Wednesday, September 12, 2007

revised again...

Listening is way people learn how to live and learn. However, some children never had this option and are born with hearing problems. I would like to research the causes of childhood hearing problems and understand how they can be diagnosed and treated.

I am interested in this topic because I have difficulty hearing. Though I was not born with this problem, I have experienced its adverse effects most significantly on my ability to learn. So much in the world utilizes your ears and one doesn’t quite appreciate this fact until he can’t hear. I wanted to know more about how children who have always had considerable hearing damage and how they are able to function in society. Also, how can doctors tell if newborns and babies have hearing trouble? They can’t speak up and tell their caretakers that they cannot hear. I am also interested in how doctors can help these children or if we should let the children make their own decision in their hearing treatment.

Main question: What causes hearing problems in children and how can these problems be diagnosed and treated?

Sub questions: Should we allow children to have an opinion in their treatment? How can doctors conduct hearing tests on newborns? How do doctors identify the source of a hearing problem in an ear?


Neha Harwani said...

I really think your topic is interesting. I didn't know earlier why you had chosen this topic, but the fact that it relates to your life, makes it even more interesting to research. I feel like it gives you more motivation than you would have researching a random topic. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I'd like to hear more about this. My boyfriend has hearing problems and sometimes it causes arguments between us because I mistaken times when he doesn't hear what I say as ignoring me.

Furat said...

Interesting topic- definitley something i think alot of people dont know enough about yet its important to know. I like that you have a personal motivation, and i hope you find the answers to all your questions :)